Saturday, June 30, 2007

Porsche's best of the best ...

Porsche's 911 Targa 4 has received a 'Best of the Best' award for excellent design from the Red Dot Design Museum of the North-Rhine Westfalian Design Centre.

This outstanding award in one of the largest and most outstanding design contests in the world is presented by an international jury only to absolute top products acknowledged as 'ground-breakers in their specific area.'

Out of more than 2,500 products entered, a mere 43 received this supreme stamp of quality, the experts lauding the 911 Targa 4 in particular for its "creativity, innovative features, and the high quality of the product."

As an award-winner, the 911 Targa 4 will be showcased in the special 'Design on Stage – Winners Red Dot Award: Product Design 2007' display in the Essen Red Dot Design Museum at the Zollverein Coal Mine, one of the world’s cultural heritages, from June 26-July 23.

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